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In my senior year at IUP, I was enrolled in the theater department's Theater Graphics class. The class was set around the idea of learning how to draw different designs with both free hand styles, and with the use of Photoshop and Vectorwoks. We were given different options for fictional plays that were fairly vauge in order for us to go in our own direction. While choosing the "Abandoned Insane Asylum" I chose to follow the path of a play set inmodern day where two ghost hunters enter an abandoned insane asylum and follow the spirits of two left behind patients and an evil doctor who was killed by a patient. Below are exapmles of images used to create the set design as well as the costume design, and the renderings created from those images. 

A research image of an operation room from an abandoned insane asylum.

A research image of an operation room from an abandoned insane asylum.

A research image of the living quarters from an abandoned insane asylum.

A research image of the living quarters from an abandoned insane asylum.

While researching images, I came across this image of a fairly evil looking door. I found it interesting and tired to find a place for it in my design.

Another view of a door within an asylum ward. I felt that this would add to the design of the door in the previous photo.

I came across this image while on Pinterest one day while researching other things that for this project and immediately found myself seeing the opaque glass fitting well within my design idea.

When I originally sketched my set design, I did it in such a way that would make sense when it came ti drafting. However, I planned to place the play in thrust as compared to the final proscenium design. The ramps in this sketch also were changed to stairs for the final product.

a floor-plan of my design drafted in Vectorworks.

a floor-plan of my design drafted in Vectorworks.

A few 3D renderings of my set design drafted in Vectorworks.

A few 3D renderings of my set design drafted in Vectorworks.

A few 3D renderings of my set design drafted in Vectorworks.

A few 3D renderings of my set design drafted in Vectorworks.

A few 3D renderings of my set design drafted in Vectorworks.

A few 3D renderings of my set design drafted in Vectorworks.

While working with costumes for my fictional play, I researched different aspects of the insane asylum including patients of different degrees, as well as doctors.

I knew I wanted to include a character in a straight jacket.

My drawing of a patient in a straight jacket.

I knew I wanted the antagonist of the play to be the doctor, who would portray pure evil. I mainly went off of memory of what a stereotypical doctor would typically look like, white lab coat and all.

My second patient was to be less severe in treatment, so I chose to look at what a typical patient would wear.

While the previous picture was more of a shirt, I chose to make it more of a gown as it seemed more common and recognizable than that of a buttoned shirt and pants.

When thinking about my choices for my ghost hunters, I looked back as the TV shows I enjoy watching and realized that they typically wear simple black T shirts and jeans.

I chose to follow this patter, and keep the two ghost hunter characters more simple.

While both characters wear almost identical costumes, they do vary slightly in design.

The second drawing has a red hue to the sort along with red stitching and a red patch on the right shoulder.

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